Q&A from Canadian Financial Summit (podcast)


加拿大最大的在线个人理财会议是Canadian Financial Summit,几周前。我接受了两个有趣的演讲的采访:

  1. 如何轻松胜过Investment Advisors & Robo-Advisors
  2. 债券的高风险:债券实际上是安全的投资吗?

Here are my answers to the 27 listener questions:

Ed Rempel Q&A – Summit 2020 (podcast)



  1. 在什么收入税范围内应该考虑将更多的钱投资到RRSP与TFSAin order to reduce owing taxes? Is there a tool or a guide for this? Also, how would this answer differ if you have a spouse/children or non-working spouse?

2.How do you managesequence of return riskfor the first 7 years of retirement, when using a 100% equity allocation? Do you use a fixed-income equivalent to the cashflow needs for those years?


4.If the bond run is truly done, what are the options for the Fixed Income allocation?它只是高利息储蓄帐户还是其他ETF选项?

5.Can it be okay to have a mortgage in retirement? The common advice is to not have it, but with rates being low, there is a large opportunity cost when we could just invest the extra money instead.


7。For somebody that wants a safety component to their portfolio, should they be using a bond ETF, GICs, cash, or stocks that pay somewhat stable dividends?


9。We received several questions about thebucketing strategy。对于想要这样做的人,您对某些好的结构有何看法?

例如,我们看到的一种普遍建议的遗愿方法是现金/GICs 1 - 2年,固定收益/股息投资3-5以及剩余的股权。

10。The next person asked: You mentioned that having您的投资组合中的债券会产生性能阻力。But, having bonds also lets you rebalance when stocks are low so that you are essentially buying them at a low point. Therefore, doesn’t it make sense to have some money in bonds to allow you to rebalance when markets are lower?




13.COVID-19 has resulted in governments across the world increasing their spending to help citizens and businesses during these unprecedented times. With the very high level of governments debt that has resulted, what are the consequences that we individually investors should prepare for? How should we adjust our investing and financial planning for this?

14.We also got several questions from Canadians being worried about currencies falling, especially in the US. What are your thoughts on this and what actions (if any) should we take?


15.你能解释一下史密斯机动strategy, specifically the Smith/Snyder version?


17.你能做史密斯机动by investing in things other than the stock market? (ex. real estate, private lending)

18。Are there any ETFs that you would suggest for the史密斯机动?

19。Can one be investing via the史密斯机动forever? Is it advisable to do so, if you could?

20。The史密斯机动Question: How do I service my HELOC if I have no dividends coming in?


Other Questions

22。与较高资金的MER相比,劳工赞助基金的税收抵免优势值得吗?在SK中,劳动力赞助的最大贡献为$ 5000/年。它必须保持投资8年。$ 5K的滚动投资实际上是在高级MERS上投资的4万美元。如果MER为3.25%,则为$ 1300/年。32%的税收抵免的最低税税是多少?

23.Is there any Ed Rempel “unconventional wisdom” about adding a child on an elder parent’s home property? Would doing so skip the cap gains exemption offered to the elder parent, passing the property to the child without utilizing the parents’ primary residence cap gains exemption?

24.I am 56, single and plan to retire this year. I have over $3 million, almost all in RRSP & LIRA. Clearly when I turn 72 and have to withdraw from my LIF and whatever is in my RIFF it will likely be in the highest or second highest tax bracket if I don’t touch it before then. I will also have all my OAS clawed back. How do I minimize my lifetime taxes?


26.If someone’s TFSA is maxed out, and they are already in the lowest tax bracket, should they just invest in their taxable account?



Planning With Ed


必威体育埃德·雷姆佩尔(Ed Rempel)帮助成千上万的加拿大人在财务上得到了安全。他是一名付费服务betway体育app官网的财务计划师,税务会计师,许多税收和投资策略的专家,以及受欢迎的热情博客作者。





  1. 必威体育 在March 22, 2021 at 8:53 PM

    Hi Denis,







  2. Denis 在March 18, 2021 at 2:09 PM

    感谢您的答复,要明确我不希望捕捉市场中性长/短的对冲基金的表现,而是特别是CTA指数的总费用表现,以获取有关趋势的影响。自2000年代初以来,托管期货领域的趋势赚取了约5-7%的复合年增长率,但对冲基金费用却占据了500个基本的绩效点。学术文献中有2个世纪的趋势经验证据,我认为现在这种DBMF ETF可能令人信服。


    DBMF ETF背后的家伙已经在这个空间中已经有十多年了(主要用于家庭办事处),他们是唯一的液体替代提供商,他们的客户非常满意。他们在这里为他们的方法提供了一个非常引人注目的案例:

  3. 必威体育 在March 17, 2021 at 11:48 PM

    Hi Denis,

    Market neutral hedge funds are a good alternative to bonds and fixed income. Very low corelation to equities and a decent potential return.


    I took the Certified Hedge Fund Specialist designation years ago with the highest mark in Canada. The key difference between equity investments and market neutral hedge funds is that equity market rise long-term, while market-neutral does not.


    This is not the place for a low-fee ETF. I would rather have one real smart, skilled hedge fund manager, than a diverisified portfolio of average-skilled funds in the hedge fund world.

    One of our portfolio managers occassionally uses a market neutral hedge fund with an exceptionally skilled hedge fund manager.


  4. Denis 2021年3月8日上午10:33

    Great interview & questions, regarding market neutral hedge funds, have you heard of the DBMF ETF by Dynamic Beta Investments.
    它本质上试图捕获SOCGEN CTA指数的前费用性能,从而减去其0.85%的MER。

    Dynamic Beta Investments拥有一个很好的网站,解释了DBMF的方法。
