害怕虚假因素是有利的 - 我(简短答案)

“比预测未来更重要的是了解市场认为会发生什么。”- 埃里克·布什尔(Eric Bushell)


We have actually had more concerned calls than in 2008. The constant negative news makes it hard for most people to sort out the actual seriousness of the situation.

下一篇文章是害怕虚假因素是有利的 - ii(长答案)

这里有一个简短的答案to our opinion of what is really going on.


First there was the issue of increasing the US debt ceiling, the issues in negotiating it, the downgrade of their credit rating, whether the US is able to pay all its debts and the list of deficits (budget, trade, employment, social security, etc.). Then we went through a series of European countries (Greece, then Spain, then Italy, then France), whether they could pay their debts and whether the European Union will survive. Then came the fear of the “double-dip recession”.





We have been meeting with a series of our fund managers and pouring over their commentary to help us understand what is really going on. Some have connections to the top finance and government decision-makers and all are very knowledgeable and experienced about the markets. Based on insights from our fund managers and a lot of other reading, here is our opinion about what is really happening.


  1. This is nothing like 2008.The underlying fundamentals are sound. The US has a huge economy with huge powers to collect tax and is easily able to pay its bills. Europeans have a deep drive to maintain the Euro. They are very creative and will support all the countries in the European Union.



3。The companies in the stock market are in great shape.似乎每个人似乎都忘记了我们没有投资于经济或政府 - 我们正在投资公司。几十年来,公司都没有经济上的声音。最大的公司的利润为历史最高的(每股100.07美元)。股票非常便宜(11.52 p/e),它们有大量现金。

对于长期投资者而言,这是巨大的购买机会 - 过于悲观的市场结合了非常强大的公司基础。“当别人贪婪和贪婪时,当别人恐惧时要害怕。”2

The current price of stocks is based on what most investors think will happen. There is a buying opportunity when the market is too fearful of things we are confident will not happen.


记住4 fs:害怕假因素是有利的。




必威体育Ed Rempel帮助数千名加拿大人在财务上获得了安全。他是一名符合费用betway体育app官网的服务财务计划师,税务会计师,许多税务和投资策略的专家,以及一个受欢迎的热情博客作者。



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