
If the world was perfect, it wouldn’t be.” - 瑜伽士·贝拉(Yogi Berra)


Those who believe in index investing or who market ETF’s are the biggest supporters of EMH, as are most market academics and many newspapers columnists. Most of the top investment managers have specific opinions on EMH and those that beat the indexes over time can almost always tell your why.


I won’t bore you with an in depth description. The basics, however, are that EMH maintains that all stocks are perfectly priced according to their inherent investment properties, the knowledge of which all market participants possess equally. In other words, there are millions of investors that all have access to all available information about any company and these investors make rational choices of which stocks to buy based on all this available information. Therefore, all stocks are always priced accurately.



There are 3 levels of EMH based on the types of information that are fully accounted for in existing share prices:

  1. Weak EMH: All历史market prices and financial data are known to all investors, so no investor can get better returns from analyzing them. This means that all technical analysis (charting) will not work except by luck. Fundamental analysis to figure out the true value of companies can still produce better returns, however.
  2. Semi-Strong EMH:全部public information关于所有公司的所有公司都是理性且公正的投资者。这意味着对股票的基本分析也无法产生更好的回报。但是,内部信息或现场访问仍然可以提供信息以产生更好的回报。
  3. 强大的EMH:全部公共和内部信息是Al Investors所知。内部信息泄漏,法律阻止内部人员使用它,因此,除了运气外,甚至内部信息也无法产生更好的回报。因此,除了运气外,任何策略或投资方法都无法产生更好的回报。然后,猴子可以选择股票和沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)。


标记et theorists and university professors, of course, tend to believe it, since it is intellectual and relatively simple.

Newspaper columnists often like EMH, usually because it is simple and because it is much more difficult to effectively recommend specific investments. If nobody can beat the market, then the only important factor in investments is the cost of trading or the MER of a fund, which is a very simple concept. Jonathan Chevreau has written hundreds of articles about how nobody can beat the market – so just buy ETF’s.

Professional investors, or course, generally disagree with EMH, since it means that none of them are any better than anyone else. Many dismiss it as ridiculous, but many others have very valid criticisms.

Many amateur investors don’t believe in EMH, usually because of a lack of understanding about it. Most people think they are smarter than average and better investors (and drivers) than average, while EMH claims that the only reason anyone gets better returns is dumb luck. Folklore about the amazing returns of some amateur investor and dreams of making big money fuel this. “If Joe’s brother-in-law can do it, then I so can I…”

许多业余投资者(如果他们知道EMH)通常会错误地认为EMH意味着目前的股票价格反映了股票实际上会产生的未来收益。EMH并未声称所有未来的信息都内置在现有的股票价格中。它声称以当前股价考虑了所有可能未来结果的可能性。EMH还没有声称投资者随机行动 - 仅是由于投资者在可用时对新信息做出反应而导致的股价随机行动。这些新信息可能是关于公司,市场,经济,政治事件或其他可能影响公司股份价值并且无法预料的任何其他信息。

What do you think – are markets efficient? Is all information available to all investors? Do investors actually access this information and understand it before making investment decisions? Are investors rational? (By the way, if you really understand EMH, I doubt you will either dismiss it completely or believe it completely.)

Arguments For and Against

Let’s take a closer look at the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Are the markets efficient?

Many amateur and even professional investors dismiss it quickly, but it is clear there is evidence that the stock markets are relatively efficient. As mentioned in part 1, professional and amateur investors usually make considerable less than the markets.


On the other hand, there is also clear evidence that EMH is not totally true. Index enthusiasts argue that all information is available to all investors and that they have rationally built it into the current share price. Therefore, the extreme belief would mean that throwing a dart at the stock page will be equally effective to all investment strategies. Their argument for owning the index is that you own “all of the market” (which is not really true), but their real belief is that any stock would be expected to have the same returns as the index (taking into account the risk level).




Here in Brampton, we saw our local company Nortel fall from $123.50/share to $.69/share in just over 2 years. EMH would argue that both prices were accurate based on known information. How can that possibly be? In hindsight, it is clear that it was never worth anywhere close to $123.50. This was part of the “tech bubble” with investors having piled into Nortel for a few years only because it was going up as it continued to rise and outperform almost all other investments. And $.69/share was equally ridiculous, with investors finally capitulating and dumping Nortel in mass.

Behavioural finance shows that many cognitive and emotional biases often result in prices selling for much higher or lower than they are really worth. As humans, our minds search for patterns and we see all kinds of patterns that don’t actually exist (clustering bias). We tend to be over-confident, anchor on past numbers, interpret data based on our preconceived views, feel safer following the herd, see things differently in hind-sight and fall prey to many other cognitive biases. (It is worth reading about behavioural finance, because then you will find listening to your investing buddies quite funny! People hate it when you name their investing cognitive bias!)

Humans also tend to often make decisions for emotional reasons. How often have you heard someone say they bought an investment because a “gut feeling” or “it feels right”? Is this rational behaviour? Irrational exuberance and panic selling are clearly emotional reactions and not rational behaviour, as EMH would argue.

The other big argument against EMH is the investors that beat the indexes by wide margins over long periods of time. EMH does claim, however, that by luck and with a normal distribution, a few investors would beat the markets by wide margins over long periods of time.


但是,有很多例子表明,专业基金经理在长时间内击败了索引。沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett),乔治·索罗斯(George Soros),彼得·林奇(Peter Lynch)和比尔·米勒(Bill Miller)等投资者在很长一段时间内击败了市场,以至于幸运的是天文数字。这些回报是可验证的公共信息。

也有很多杰出的长期价值投资者。价值股票和增长股票往往具有相似的长期回报,每个股票都有赞成。最近,我们从1995 - 99年间拥有增长的价值,因此所有价值风格的投资似乎都很无聊,每个人都想要技术和所有高增长领域。从2000年至2006年,价值完全占据了很大的主导地位,以至于增长投资似乎很荒谬,每个人都希望资源,周期性,财务和股息股票。现在,在2007年,增长似乎开始再次接管。

价值和增长具有其周期和类似的长期回报。但是,当您查看长期杰出投资者时,他们几乎都是有价值的投资者。例如,里克·吉林(Rick Guerin)从1965年到1983年(19年)管理了太平洋伙伴基金,平均每年为32.9%,而标准普尔指数仅占7.8%。他每年都超过25%!然后是沃尔特·施洛斯(Walter Schloss),特威迪·布朗(Tw​​eedy Browne),查尔斯·芒格(Charles Munger),比尔·鲁安(Bill Ruane),还有许多最近的基金经理。

The unique point here is that all these managers are value style. The other 2 main investing styles, growth and momentum, rarely have a manager with long term large index-beating returns. This fact would seem to point to a systematic market inefficiency. The EMH cannot explain it.


My opinions about the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) are not necessarily worth more than anyone else’s, but I have been reading and researching EMH for years. I’ve also heard many informed opinions about it.



However, while most information is available to everyone, most investors make investment decisions based on very little information (such as just recent returns) and often make their decisions primarily on emotional factors. The cognitive errors outlined in behavioural finance explain much of what really happens in the markets. Even professional investors are still human and also fall into these same traps.

Weak EMH claims that all technical analysis (charting) does not work except by luck. I believe that this is true for the most part. We’ve seen many people selling charting strategies, but have seen very few verifiable examples of anyone making a good return from them.





我们的另一个基金经理认为,市场指数确实是具有特定原则的共同基金。该索引购买了大型液体公司,几乎没有营业额,抛弃了失败者并拥有其获奖者 - 所有这些通常都在起作用。大多数共同的基金经理也相反。但是,这些索引的研究很少,因此他们通常拥有不良或劣等的公司。这位基金经理通过做索引做对的事情而不是他们做错了什么,从而系统地击败了索引。


Top fund managers often have these types of profound insights into the EMH and the systematic inefficiency that allows them to beat the index. This is why I don’t believe the “Semi-strong EMH” or “Strong EMH”. Fundamental analysis of stocks quite often produces better returns – much less than half the time but enough to prove it can be systematically done.

Much of the time, top performers were just lucky or their style just happened to be in favour, as EMH claims. However, a few skilled investors can identify and take advantage of systematic inefficiencies in the markets and are disciplined enough to take advantage of them.





这是我的建议。无论您的策略如何,都可以选择您认为最能近似策略的索引组合。使其成为您的个人基准。例如,它可能是30%的TSX,30%的斯科舍邦债券宇宙,20%S&P500和20%的MSCI世界。然后计算您的回报与此索引组合。这将告诉您您从主动管理中获得什么好处。如果您没有在更长的时间内击败可比的基准测试,请确保理解原因 - 并重新考虑投资策略。也许您应该使用索引或击败索引的人进行投资。

But here is the important part. Whenever you are considering a portfolio change, think about how that might affect your returns vs. your benchmark. Doing this will discourage rash, big bets and it will encourage you to remain invested and diversified.


Planning With Ed


必威体育埃德·雷姆佩尔(Ed Rempel)帮助成千上万的加拿大人在财务上得到了安全。他是一名付费服务betway体育app官网的财务计划师,税务会计师,许多税收和投资策略的专家,以及受欢迎的热情博客作者。



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