您的“互动财务计划” - 回答生活问题的唯一方法

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您是否从银行收到了免费的财务计划,或者是从服务费用的财务计划师那里付款的 - 但仍然不知道您的生活问题的答案?betway体育app官网

If a financial plan does not tell you what you want to know, it is probably either because:

  1. 这是一个“假财务计划”。使用经验法则,例如您需要今天收入的70%的收入来退休,或者您在80岁时开始花费20%。一份快速而肮脏的工作,说他们做了一些计划,现在让我们开始谈论投资。
  2. 这不是“互动财务计划”。仅一个退休选项。

A “fake plan” or non-interactive plan means you don’t have control of your future. When you get to retirement, you will just have to settle for whatever you get.

Don’t accept a retirement that you settle for. It’s your life. “This ain’t no dress rehearsal.”

Get the freedom you want. Be confident if your future. Get your “Interactive Financial Plan” and design exactly the life you want!




The 10 most common life questions people that come to us want answered are:

  • 我什么时候可以退休我想要的生活方式?
  • 我需要自信地退休多少?
  • 我的钱最聪明的事情是什么?我应该关注什么?
  • How can I pay the least lifetime tax?
  • How much should I contribute to my RRSP or TFSA or something else?
  • 如何最有效,可靠和税收有效地设置退休收入?
  • 我可以实现一种大火(财务独立提前退休)吗?
  • 我可以负担得起我想做的特别的事情,例如早早退休,很多旅行,购买度假物业或帮助我的孩子吗?
  • 我什么时候应该启动CPP,OAS,我的退休金,然后将RRSP转换为RRIF?我如何避免政府养老金的回扣?
  • Is there a hack or creative or more aggressive solution I’m missing that will help me?

To answer your questions, you need an “Interactive Financial Plan”. Look at many life options you might want. It is the only way for you to get exactly what you want out of life.

“Interactive Financial Plan” Process

The clearest wat to understand what an “Interactive Financial Plan” is and why you need one is to see the process.



  • 您想在60岁时退休,但是在55岁时退休该怎么办?
  • 如果我想要每年的旅行$ 20,000,而不是每年10,000美元,该怎么办?
  • 如果我做更多的投资或制定一些策略会产生多少差异?
  • To retire one year earlier, what specifically would I have to give up from my retirement lifestyle?

We can show you how any scenario you are thinking will affect your life in seconds.

An “Interactive Financial Plan” let’s you be creative about all your life options and decide what is really most fun or fulfilling for you.



  1. 确定对您重要的钱。
  2. Make sure we clearly understand your existing financial picture.
  3. Help you imagine your desired retirement and work out in detail how much money you want per year for each expense to have your desired retirement lifestyle.
  4. 询问您何时希望退休并向您展示您现在正在做的事情有多近。
  5. We show you how to optimize everything you are doing now with your existing lifestyle, optimizing how to use each dollar you save, minimizing tax, investing most effectively, etc.


  • 如果您正在做的事情无法实现所需的财务自由(最常见),那么您有4个选择,以及其中的许多组合:
    • 工作更长。
    • Save more now.
    • 少于退休 - 特别是要减少哪种生活方式。
    • Do a creative/more aggressive strategy.
  • 如果您以不仅仅是安全的范围领先于目标,那么我们希望您将拥有的钱超出所需的生活。我们与您讨论您真正想做的生活。
    • 相反的4个选项:
      • Retire sooner?
      • 节省少并现在花费更多?
      • 退休更舒适?
    • 您想用最有趣或最有意义的额外钱做什么?
    • Do you just want to have the confidence and freedom of knowing you have more than you need or do you want to change your retirement goal?
  • 我们向您展示您正在考虑的每个选项的效果。我们的软件使我们可以在几秒钟内向您展示许多方案。例如:
    • 如果我再工作1或2或3年会怎样?
    • 如果我投资200美元/月或500美元/月或$ 1,000/月,该怎么办?
    • 如果我将退休旅行从20,000美元/年减少到每年15,000美元或每年10,000美元怎么办?
    • What’s the effect if I invest more aggressively or do a strategy like the Smith Manoeuvre, Rempel Maximum, Lifecycle Investing, or 8-Year GIS Strategy?
    • 这些结合对我的生活产生了什么影响?
  • 您决定最适合自己生活,平衡所需详细生活方式,到达那里的时间,每年贡献多少以及做什么策略的财务独立/退休目标。
  • 我们回答您所有其他财务问题,例如最明智的事情是您要做什么,您为您的RRSP和TFSA做出贡献的最佳款项,您如何缴纳最低税,您能负担得起诸如此类的有趣费用更多的旅行或小屋,您可以退休的最快是什么,等等。
  • 我们向您教育各种投资班的长期回报和风险。请注意,长期收益和风险与短期收益和风险投资行业的讲道完全不同。最有效地投资对拥有所需的生活产生了巨大的影响。
  • We look at all your other life goals and financial planning issues, including understanding how you spend your money, how to structure your debts, how much to save for your kid’s education, the emergency fund you need, the cheapest adequate insurance to protect you, and estate planning.



Then our team gets together and brainstorms your Financial Plan to optimize all the details, work out the most effective use for all your contributions, work out how you can pay the lowest lifetime tax, and work out the optimal way to implement any strategies you want to do.



Why is an “Interactive Financial Plan” the only way for you to get exactly what you want out of life?


We have helped many people that previously paid for a financial plan from a fee-for-service financial planner and still did not know what to do. They had a 1-2 hour meeting to ask what their goals are, and then received a financial plan in the mail a few weeks later with only the one option and saying they need to invest a huge amount like $3,000/month more to achieve it.

This is not an “Interactive Financial Plan”! It does not answer your life questions. What if you choose a different option, such as working longer or retiring on less instead? How can you balance all the options to get exactly what you want?

Don’t accept a retirement that you settle for. It’s your life. “This ain’t no dress rehearsal.”

Get the freedom you want. Be confident if your future. Get your “Interactive Financial Plan” and design exactly the life you want!




必威体育埃德·雷姆佩尔(Ed Rempel)帮助成千上万的加拿大人在财务上得到了安全。他是一名付费服务betway体育app官网的财务计划师,税务会计师,许多税收和投资策略的专家,以及受欢迎的热情博客作者。

edhas a unique understanding of how to be successful financially based on extensive real-life experience, having written nearly 1,000 comprehensive personal financial plans.

The “Planning with Ed” experience is about your life, not just money. Your Financial Plan is the GPS for your life.

